Thursday, April 9, 2009


Students have begun work on their individual designs.

students, at this point, hopefully have an IDEA or INTEREST that relates to the themes of the studio, the site. Because the focus on the IDEA - the default process students should be following right now is creating a sculpture using materials they have never used before that represents their idea.

Students are also encouraged to keep up with the research/analysis through the narrative.


There are some information holes in the research book that need to be filled.

FIGURE/GROUND - NEIGHBORHOOD: These drawings are very easy ways to VISUALIZE/REPRESENT the structures and infrastructures. They are a good way to understand the scale and "module" of the neighborhood.

GROUP PROJECTS (completed)

The beginning of this project involved research and analysis. Most of this research has gone into the creation of a book(let), the intent of which is meant to help the students on the individual phase of the personal projects.

The table of contents list the following chapters:
Site History
Construction Summary
Museum and the Arts
Subversion and Creativity

hopefully, that information is, or will be included with the narratives soon - if it hasn't been already.